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Name of CarYearYears Active*DesignerLink
H2GO20082008-2012Click Here!
Hairy Hauler19711971Paul TamClick Here!
Hamm on Wheels20102010Click Here!
Hammer Down20102010-2011Click Here!
Hammer Sled20062006-2010Greg PadgintonClick Here!
Hammered Coupe20002000-2012Greg PadgintonClick Here!
Hammerhead20112011-2012Click Here!
Hardnoze '49 Merc20042004-2006Dwayne VanceClick Here!
Hardnoze 1959 Chevy Truck20042004Jonathan BedfordClick Here!
Hardnoze 1974 Chevy Monte Carlo20042004Mark JonesClick Here!
Hardnoze 2 Cool20042004-2005Larry WoodClick Here!
Hardnoze Batmobile20042004Dwayne VanceClick Here!
Hardnoze Cadillac V-16 Concept20042004-2010Dwayne VanceClick Here!
Hardnoze Dodge Neon20042004-2005Mark JonesClick Here!
Hardnoze Toyota Celica20042004Jonathan BedfordClick Here!
Hardnoze Twin Mill20042004-2006Dwayne VanceClick Here!
Hare Splitter19791979-1984Click Here!
Harley-Davidson Fat Boy20122012Click Here!
Haul of Flame20092009-2012Click Here!
Haulin' Gas20112011Click Here!
Hawkeye20142014Bryan BenedictClick Here!
Head Starter20172017Ryu AsadaClick Here!
Heavy Chevy
Also known as: Custom Camaro
19681968-1977,2002-2017Harry BradleyClick Here!
Heavyweights Ambulance19701970,2011Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Billboard Truck20062006-2008Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Cement Mixer19701970,2010Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Dump Truck19701970,2012Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Fire Engine19701970Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Moving Van19701970Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Race Truck20062006-2008Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Ramp Truck20072007-2008Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Tow Truck19701970,2004-2008Ira GilfordClick Here!
Heavyweights Vending Truck20082008Ira GilfordClick Here!
Hi-IQ20042004,2013Mark JonesClick Here!
Hi-Roller20162016Fraser CampbellClick Here!
Hi-Tail Hauler19771977-1987,2009Click Here!
Hi-Tech Missile20142014Ryu AsadaClick Here!
High Voltage20052005-2014Jun ImaiClick Here!
Highway Builder19971996-1997Click Here!
Highway Heat
Also known as: Turbo Heater
19841984-1986Larry WoodClick Here!
Highway Patrol
Also known as: Sheriff Patrol
19781978-1997Larry WoodClick Here!
Hiway Hauler (I)19801980-1996Click Here!
Hiway Hauler (II)19921990-2012Larry WoodClick Here!
Hiway Hauler (III)
Also known as: Hiway Hauler 2
20122012-2013Brendon VetuskeyClick Here!
Hiway Hauler 220122012-2013Brendon VetuskeyClick Here!
Hiway Robber
Also known as: The Hood
19711971-1973Larry WoodClick Here!
HKS Alteza20032003Click Here!
Holden Commodore
Also known as: Police Cruiser (II)
19911991-2004Larry WoodClick Here!
Holden SS Commodore20002000-2003Mark JonesClick Here!
Hollowback20052005-2015Phil RiehlmanClick Here!
Honda Civic20012001-2014Eric TscherneClick Here!
Honda Civic Si (II)20062006-2015Sei ChoClick Here!
Honda Civic Type-R20032003-2006,2014Click Here!
Honda Monkey Z5020162016Jun ImaiClick Here!
Honda Odyssey20162016Ryu AsadaClick Here!
Honda Racer20082008-2014Click Here!
Honda S200020112011-2016Ryu AsadaClick Here!
Honda Spocket20022002-2007Phil RiehlmanClick Here!
Honky Tonk Hot Rod20102010Larry WoodClick Here!
Hooligan20012001-2013Gary SafferClick Here!
Horseplay20052005-2015Click Here!
Hot Bird19781978-1997,2006-2010Larry WoodClick Here!
Hot Heap19681968,2012Harry BradleyClick Here!
Hot Seat19981998-2004Mark JonesClick Here!
Hot Tub20062006-2014Mike NuttallClick Here!
Hot Wheels 50019941994-2001Mark JonesClick Here!
Hot Wheels Ford Transit Connect20142014Fraser CampbellClick Here!
Hot Wheels High20132013Click Here!
Hotweiler20172017Click Here!
Hover Storm20152015Click Here!
Howlin' Heat20102010-2013Click Here!
Hulk20142014Bryan BenedictClick Here!
Hummer H2
Also known as: Blings Hummer H2
20042004-2007Dave WeiseClick Here!
Hummer H2 (I)20042004-2010Click Here!
Hummer H2 (II)20062006-2013Rob MatthesClick Here!
Hummer H2 SUT20082008-2012Phil RiehlmanClick Here!
Hummer H3
Also known as: Blings Hummer H3
20052005-2007Rob MatthesClick Here!
Hummer H3T20042004-2009Phil RiehlmanClick Here!
Humvee19921992-2014Paul NorrisClick Here!
HW Formula Solar20162016Click Here!
HW Poppa Wheelie20142014Abe LugoClick Here!
HW Prototype 1220022002-2014Phil RiehlmanClick Here!
HW Pursuit20132013Click Here!
HW Rapid Responder
Also known as: Rescue Ranger
19751975-2015Larry WoodClick Here!
HW4020082008-2013Jun ImaiClick Here!
Also known as: Wastelander
20072007-2013Phil RiehlmanClick Here!
Hydroplane19951995-2005Click Here!
Hyper Mite20012001-2013Mark JonesClick Here!
Hyperliner20022002-2014Click Here!
Hypertruck20122012Click Here!
Hyundai Genesis Coupe20112011Click Here!
Hyundai Spyder Concept20022002-2010Mark JonesClick Here!
Hyundai Tiburon20032003-2004Click Here!
*Automatically calculated based on listings in database. May be incorrect if all versions of casting are not in database
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