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Year/Ser/Col Num, SKUNameWheelVariationRarity
California Customs
1990#0#0#1297 '57 ChevyRRWVOrange with blue Cal Custom in tampos
1990#0#0#1297 '57 ChevyUHOrange with blue Cal Custom in tampos10
1990#0#0#1297 '57 ChevyGRRTurOrange with blue Cal Custom in tampos
1990#0#0#1305 '63 CorvetteBWPink Chrome with tampos
1990#0#0#1305 '63 CorvetteYRRturPink Chrome with tampos
1990#0#0#1241 '65 Mustang ConvertibleYRRturNeon Yellow, blue stripes in tampo, Black Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1241 '65 Mustang ConvertibleYRRturNeon Yellow, blue stripes in tampo, Yellow Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1241 '65 Mustang ConvertibleYRRWVNeon Yellow, blue stripes in tampo, Black Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1241 '65 Mustang ConvertibleYRRWVNeon Yellow, blue stripes in tampo, Yellow Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1241 '65 Mustang ConvertibleYRRWVNeon Yellow, black stripes in tampo, Yellow Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1299 3 Window '34GRRTurBlue with tampos
1990#0#0#1299 3 Window '34GRRTurNeon Yellow with tampos, blue in side tampos
1990#0#0#1299 3 Window '34GRRWVNeon Yellow with tampos, blue in side tampos
1990#0#0#1299 3 Window '34GRRWVNeon Yellow with tampos, black in side tampos
1990#0#0#1229 40's WoodieRdRRNeon orange with tampos
1990#0#0#1229 40's WoodieYBWNeon orange with tampos
1990#0#0#1229 40's WoodieYBWTurquoise with tampos, pink roof
1990#0#0#1238 Baja BugYRRturPink with tampos, Hot Wheels lettering on base
1990#0#0#1238 Baja BugYRRturPink with tampos, Hot Wheels logo on base
1990#0#0#1238 Baja BugBWPink with tampos, Hot Wheels lettering on base
1990#0#0#1238 Baja BugBWPink with tampos, Hot Wheels logo on base
1990#0#0#2101 Beach PatrolYRRWVGreen with tampos, small wheels
1990#0#0#2101 Beach PatrolYRRWVGreen with tampos, large wheels
1990#0#0#1289 Blown CamaroRRWVWhite with tampos, tinted windows, orange interior
1990#0#0#1289 Blown CamaroRRWVWhite with tampos, clear windows, orange interior
1990#0#0#1289 Blown CamaroRRTurWhite with tampos, tinted windows, orange interior
1990#0#0#1289 Blown CamaroRRTurWhite with tampos, tinted windows, black interior
1990#0#0#1289 Blown CamaroRRTurRed with tampos, tinted windows, black interior
1990#0#0#2100 BMW 323BRRWVBlue with tampos
1990#0#0#3371 Classic CaddyWWGold chrome with tampos, black fenders
1990#0#0#3371 Classic CaddyWWGold chrome with tampos, gold fenders
1990#0#0#1296 CobraGRRTurWhite with tampos, black Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1296 CobraGRRTurWhite with tampos, yellow Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1296 CobraBWWhite with tampos, yellow Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1296 CobraBWNeon Yellow with tampos, yellow Cal Custom on windshield
1990#0#0#1301 CorvetteYRRturBlue chrome with tampos, slots in chassis
1990#0#0#1301 CorvetteRRWVBlue chrome with tampos
1990#0#0#1301 CorvetteRRWVOrange with tampos, slots in chassis
1990#0#0#2102 Corvette Funny CarBWWhite with tampos
1990#0#0#1302 Ferrari TestarossaYRRturPurple chrome with tampos, Red interior and blue bumper
1990#0#0#1302 Ferrari TestarossaYRRturNeon Red with tampos, Red interior and blue bumper
1990#0#0#1302 Ferrari TestarossaYRRturNeon Red with tampos, Yellow interior and blue bumper
1990#0#0#1302 Ferrari TestarossaYRRturNeon Red with tampos, Yellow interior and Red bumper
1990#0#0#1302 Ferrari TestarossaRRWVNeon Red with tampos, Yellow interior and Red bumper
1990#0#0#2104 FirebirdRRWVNeon Yellow with tampos, small rear wheel
1990#0#0#2104 FirebirdRRWVNeon Yellow with tampos, large rear wheel
1990#0#0#3368 Mercedes 380 SELRRWVChrome with tampos
1990#0#0#2108 P-911YRRWVPurple chrome with tampos
1990#0#0#2108 P-911YRRWVRed with tampos
1990#0#0#2108 P-911RRWVRed with tampos
1990#0#0#1303 Pontiac BansheeYRRturGold chrome with orange interior
1990#0#0#1303 Pontiac BansheeYRRturGold chrome with red interior
1990#0#0#1303 Pontiac BansheeRRWVGold chrome with red interior
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderOCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Red interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street Roader8SCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Red interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Red interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Red interior, Black Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderOCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Orange interior, Black Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderOCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Orange interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Orange interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderCTWhite, blue tampo towards back, Pink interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderCTOrange, orange tampo towards back, Red interior, small Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderCTOrange, orange tampo towards back, Red interior, large Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street RoaderCTOrange, Red tampo towards back, Red interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1990#0#0#1287 Street Roader8SCTOrange, Red tampo towards back, Red interior, Yellow Cal Custom logo
1991#0#0#2098 '55 NomadRWVRed with tampos
1991#0#0#2097 '59 CaddyWWNeon pink with tampos
1991#0#0#2103 '67 CamaroRRWVBlue with tampos
1991#0#0#5902 Sol-Aire CX4RRWVNeon orange with tampos, bare metal base with short exhaust pipes
1991#0#0#5902 Sol-Aire CX4RRWVNeon orange with tampos, bare metal base with long exhaust pipes
1991#0#0#5902 Sol-Aire CX4RRWVNeon orange with tampos, blue painted base
1991#0#0#2106 Stutz BlackhawkYRRWVPink with tampos
Wild Wave Set
1990#0#0#9093 '40's WoodieYBWNeon Yellow with black roof and Surfboards, pink interior
1990#0#0#9093 '40's WoodieYBWNeon Yellow with black roof and Surfboards, black interior
Freeway Frenzy Set
1990#0#0#4980 '65 Mustang ConvertibleBRRTWOrange with blue interior, blue in tampos
1990#0#0#4980 '65 Mustang ConvertibleBRRTWOrange with pink interior, blue in tampos
1990#0#0#4980 Split Window '63BWNeon Pink with stripe and Cal Custom on sides
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