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Year/Ser/Col Num, SKUNameWheelVariationRarity
Acceleracers Racing Drones
2005#1#0#G8107 RD-01GnCM6Black with tampos
2005#2#0#G8108 RD-02GnCM6Black with tampos
2005#3#0#G8109 RD-03GnCM6Black with tampos
2005#3#0#G8109 RD-03GnCM6Silver with tampos
2005#4#0#G8110 RD-04GnCM6Flat black with tampos
2005#5#0#G8111 RD-05GnCM6Flat black with tampos
2005#6#0#G8112 RD-06GnCoMoBlack with tampos, grey base, no name on base
2005#6#0#G8112 RD-06GnCoMoBlack with tampos, grey base, name on base
2005#6#0#G8112 RD-06GnCM6Black with tampos, grey base, name on base
2005#6#0#G8112 RD-06GnCM6Flat black with tampos, grey base, name on base
2005#6#0#G8112 RD-06GnCM6Flat black with tampos, black base, name on base
2005#7#0#G8114 RD-08GnCM6Flat black with tampos
2005#8#0#G8116 RD-10GnCM6Black with tampos
2005#9#0#G8115 RD-09GnCM6Flat black with tampos
Acceleracers Silencerz
2005#1#0#G8123 OctaniumPuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#2#0#G8118 NitriumPuCoMoGrey with tampos
2005#2#0#G8118 NitriumPuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#3#0#G8125 AnthracitePuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#4#0#G8119 IridiumPuCoMoGrey with tampos
2005#4#0#G8119 IridiumPuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#5#0#G8117 CarbidePuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#6#0#G8120 CovelightPuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#7#0#G8121 AcceliumPuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#8#0#G8124 MetaloidPuCM6Grey with tampos
2005#9#0#G8126 TechnetiumPuCM6Grey with tampos
Acceleracers Metal Maniacs
2005#1#0#G8103 Power BombCoMoWhite with tampos
2005#1#0#G8103 Power BombCM6White with tampos
2005#2#0#G8104 PiledriverCM6Red with tampos
2005#3#0#G8102 Flathead FuryCM6Red with tampos
2005#4#0#G8099 RivitedCoMoOrange plastic without painted hood
2005#4#0#G8099 RivitedCM6Orange plastic without painted hood
2005#4#0#G8099 RivitedCoMoMetallic Orange without painted hood
2005#4#0#G8099 RivitedCM6Metallic Orange without painted hood
2005#4#0#G8099 RivitedCoMoMetallic Orange with black painted hood
2005#4#0#G8099 RivitedCM6Metallic Orange with black painted hood
2005#5#0#G8097 HollowbackCoMoRed plastic with tampos
2005#5#0#G8097 HollowbackCoMoAnodized red with tampos
2005#5#0#G8097 HollowbackCM6Anodized red with tampos
2005#6#0#G8100 Rollin' ThunderCoMoBrown with tampos
2005#6#0#G8100 Rollin' ThunderCM6Brown with tampos
2005#6#0#G8100 Rollin' ThunderCoMoRed with tampos
2005#6#0#G8100 Rollin' ThunderCM6Red with tampos
2005#7#0#G8106 Spine BusterCoMoBlack with tampos, chrome engine
2005#7#0#G8106 Spine BusterCoMoBlack with tampos, silver engine
2005#7#0#G8106 Spine BusterCM6Black with tampos, silver engine
2005#8#0#G8101 Rat-ifiedCoMoFlat brown with tampos
2005#8#0#G8101 Rat-ifiedCM6Flat brown with tampos
2005#9#0#G8105 Jack HammerCM6Yellow with tampos
Acceleracers Teku
2005#1#0#G8095 ReverbBlCM6Blue with tampos
2005#2#0#G8096 Drift TechBlCM6Blue with tampos, orange spoiler
2005#2#0#G8096 Drift TechBlCM6Blue with tampos, blue spoiler
2005#3#0#G8093 SynkroBlCM6Orange Plastic with tampos, orange spoiler
2005#3#0#G8093 SynkroBlCM6Metallic orange with tampos, orange spoiler
2005#3#0#G8093 SynkroBlCM6Metallic orange with tampos, black spoiler
2005#4#0#G8091 ChicaneBlCM6Blue with tampos
2005#5#0#G8088 Battle SpecBlCM6Blue with tampos
2005#6#0#G8087 Power RageBlCM6White with tampos
2005#7#0#G8089 High VoltageBlCM6Black with tampos
2005#8#0#G8092 SpecTyteBlCM6Blue with tampos
2005#9#0#G8094 BasslineBlCM6White with tampos
2006 Acceleracers
2006#0#0#K3281 BasslineCM6White with tampos
2006#0#0#K3282 HollowbackCM6Red with tampos
2006#0#0#K3280 NitriumCM6Silver with tampos
2006#0#0#K3283 RD-06CM6Black with tampos
Acceleracers Accelecharged
2006#0#0#J7256 AnthraciteCM6Transparent yellow and purple with tampos
2006#0#0#J7241 Battle SpecCM6Clear green with tampos
2006#0#0#J7250 PiledriverCM6Clear red with tampos
2006#0#0#J7253 RD-08CM6Transparent blue with tampos
Acceleracers Acceleron
2006#0#0#K3288 CovelightCM6Light purple with tampos
2006#0#0#J7246 HollowbackCM6Orange and purple with tampos
2006#0#0#J7248 Spine BusterCM6Orange with tampos
Acceleracers Drone'd
2006#0#0#J7243 BasslineGnCM6Black with tampos
2006#0#0#J7249 Flathead FuryGnCM6Black with tampos
2006#0#0#J7255 NitriumGnCM6Flat black with tampos
2006#0#0#K3292 Rat-ifiedGnCM6Black with tampos
Acceleracers Realm
2006#0#0#K3286 Jack HammerCM6Blue with tampos
2006#0#0#K3285 RD-05CM6Black with tampos
2006#0#0#J7251 RD-06CM6Purple with tampos
2006#0#0#J7244 SpecTyteYwCM6Black with tampos
Acceleracers Stripped Metal
2006#0#0#J7254 IridiumCM6Chrome with tampos
2006#0#0 Power RageCM6Chrome with tampos
2006#0#0#J7252 RD-02CM6Chrome with tampos
2006#0#0#J7247 RivitedCM6Chrome with tampos
Acceleracers Team Colors
2006#0#0 CarbideCM6Purple with tampos
2006#0#0#J7242 ChicaneBlCM6Orange with tampos
2006#0#0#K3287 High VoltageCM6Orange with tampos
2006#0#0#K3289 Power BombCM6Red with tampos
2006#0#0 RD-04CM6Green with tampos
2006#0#0#K3291 RD-09CM6Green with tampos
2006#0#0#K3290 Rollin' ThunderCM6White with tampos
2006#0#0#K3284 SynkroCM6Blue with tampos
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